
Adding Whimsy to Meals

Many older homes have a separate dining area, and it is generally used for formal occasions. Hosting guests is important to many, so they take extra care when they decorate the public rooms of their homes. Some of them concentrate a great deal of design energy in the living room, but others have found it pays off handsomely to ensure the dining area is comfortable for all. Adding whimsy to meals is about decorating the dining room as a whole, and it includes the curtains on the windows, the textiles on the chairs, and ensuring they will complement the fine china used to serve food to guests.

Patterns are particular important when it comes to selecting a set of china, and people may spend a great deal of time searching for the perfect one. While families with a heraldic background could simply use that as the main part of their china set decoration, many families are looking for a pattern that shows who they are and how they live. They want something that represents their way of life and family values, so the china pattern should be the basis for how they decorate their eating area.

Colourful china designs are the choice of some, but bold slashes of colour in the dining room might not work. Complementing a bold red or bright blue china pattern with softer shades of those colours could be good, or choosing to echo the china pattern in grey could be a good way to set the perfect tone for an enjoyable meal. Leaving the main decorating up to the food and plates is a good way to draw attention to what is being served instead of having guests busy looking at the room.

There are people who prefer little or no colour on their fine china, and some of them would rather have a textured pattern. This is fine, and the same pattern could be repeated in the curtains or chair cushions, but colour should be added there to enhance the overall harmony of the room. It should never be too bright, and it should show just enough of the pattern to be a completion to the beauty of the translucent china and the food served on it.